(615) 619-CATI


Cena Block
Meet Cena Block, CPC, ACC

Entrepreneurs & professionals with ADHD are flush with ideas, yet sometimes struggle with sanity! Coaching provides a framework, accountability, and a downbeat to get things done, grow your business (or career), avoid pitfalls, and succeed without burning out. Your success depends on consistently accessing your strengths and skills. Your results come from creativity, curiosity, resourcefulness, resilience, and ongoing actions. Coaching helps you regulate, stay accountable, corral creativity, and find sustainable healthy habits, custom-fit for your life and needs.

I am a Certified Productivity Coach (first credentialed 2017 as Certified Organizer Coach). I specialize in high performers, professionals, and entrepreneurs with ADHD. Weekly sessions help you understand and address the brain-based neurochemistry causing the insipid symptoms that mess with your intentions & outcomes. Build sustainable habits based on science, not symptoms. ADHD Coaching packages include weekly phone or Zoom sessions for 3-12 month engagements determined by your goals.

Get Organized Bundle - https://sanespaces.com/prm/get-organized-bundle/
Time To Toss It - https://www.amazon.com/Time-Toss-Get-Uncluttered-Organized-ebook
TSSI™ Style Guide - The Professional's Resource - https://iw119.infusionsoft.app/app/storeFront/showProductDetail?productId=165
Unstoppable Woman's Guide to Emotional Well-Being https://www.betterworldbooks.com/product/detail/9780983822318


  • Coaching by Phone or Video Call
  • Coaching In Person
  • Virtual Consulting
  • Virtual Organizing


  • ADHD, Executive Functioning Challenges, Neurodiversity
  • Adults
  • Corporate
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Life Management
  • Non-Profits
  • Productivity
  • Small Business
  • Professionals
  • High Performers
  • Workflows & Systems


  • CPC: Certified Productivity Coach
  • ACC: Associate Certified Coach (ICF)
Cena Block, CPC, ACC

Company Name

Sane Spaces, LLC


Milford, Pennsylvania, US





(570) 351-7146


"The only way through it is through it."