(615) 619-CATI


Carolyn Verhoef
Meet Carolyn Verhoef, CNC, ACC

Thanks for stopping by to find out a bit more about who I am and what I stand for. You need to feel I have the skills and understanding to support you in overcoming your challenges and reaching your goals.
That’s what you’re here for, right? Answers and a way forward to a life you love!

At a time when my life had little direction and meaning, I found my strengths were hiding away. Uncovering those strengths led me to a sense of purpose. This purpose has been my driving force for over 17 years as a Professional Organizer and Certified Coach. Along the way, I cultivated my skills with the most inspiring experts in the field.

Thinking outside the box is who I am!
That’s where I love exploring with you as your coach to uncover your strengths and uniqueness so you can be more of who you are.

When I began as a Professional Organizer in 2007, I quickly realized that organization doesn’t happen by putting things neatly in boxes. Being organized happens in our minds and behaviors.
Making lasting changes in our minds and behaviors requires us to generate awareness of ourselves and our surroundings. We then need to take action from this awareness. Finally, we must evaluate the learning to consolidate what works for us.

I’m going to be completely honest with you, I don’t want to waste your precious time! This is why all my programs are a minimum of 12 weeks. Experience with thousands of clients has proven this is the minimum amount of time to create lasting change.
I believe you can reach your potential. I would love to support you by showing you how to manage your ADHD symptoms and/or Executive Function challenges.

I discovered balance with my work through lots of puppy cuddles and walks by the stunning rivers of Perth, WA, with my talented Photographer husband, Nick. Like many of my clients, I have a strong pull to a creative life. I’ve been in love with dance all my life and have spent the last 23 years immersed in Middle Eastern dance.

eBooks you may enjoy:
The Truth About Habits, Routines and Schedules
Procrastination: 8 Ways to Finish What You Start


  • Coaching by Phone or Video Call
  • Coaching In Person
  • Virtual Consulting


  • ADHD, Executive Functioning Challenges, Neurodiversity
  • Adults
  • Creative Pursuits & Occupations
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Home Office, Self-Employed
  • Life Management
  • Productivity
  • Small Business


  • CNC: Certified Neurodiversity Coach
  • ACC: Associate Certified Coach (ICF)
Carolyn Verhoef, CNC, ACC

Company Name



Perth, Western Australia





+61 416127004


"When our minds experience ease, flow and curiosity, we can be more of who we are and become the powerful person we want to be." – Carolyn