Certified Productivity Coach
Integrate productivity coaching strategies into consulting sessions for improved
time management, work-life balance, and decision-making.

Level 1 Coaching Credential
What is the Certified Productivity
Coach (CPC) Credential?
Each Certified Productivity Coach (CPC) has demonstrated coaching competence at the International Coaching Federation (ICF) Associate Certified Coach (ACC) level. Our CPCs provide holistic coaching services enhanced by the insights and wisdom of an experienced time management and productivity specialist.
CPCs are trained to integrate coaching strategies into productivity consulting sessions (on-site or virtual), strengthening the results and building client self-knowledge and resiliency. It’s a remarkable combination, and one that distinguishes these professionals in their effectiveness and long-term results with clients challenged by disorganization in the realms of effectiveness, work/life balance, working with deadlines, time, prioritization, and decision-making.
80 hours of coach training
115 client coaching hours
15 integrated coaching hours
10 mentor coaching hours
All Level 1 Coaching Credentials:

The Path to Becoming a Certified Productivity Coach (CPC)
Foundation Training
Complete and graduate from Coach Approach Training Institute’s Foundation Training program.
Additional Advanced Training
Completion of these graduate-level courses:
- Cultivating Coaching Courage or
- The Identity Module (self study) or
- An Independent Project (self study in collaboration with CATI)
Mentor Coaching - 10 Hours
- Completion of 10 mentor coaching hours
- All 10 required hours may be individual mentoring hours with a qualified Coach Approach Training Institute mentor coach
- Up to 7 hours may be from the group mentor/lab course (no fewer than 3 hours must be individual mentor coaching hours)
- The 10 mentor coaching hours must extend over no fewer than 12 weeks
- The mentoring (group or individual) must be with an ICF-credentialed coach who has been trained and designated as a Coach Approach Training Institute Mentor Coach
- Mentoring sessions must address the applicant’s coaching skills and competence in support of a strong certification recording (not marketing, for example)
Coaching Experience - 115 Client Hours
Students should create a client coaching log starting when they began comprehensive coach training (in Coaching Essentials). To be included on the log, the client must be aware in all cases: 1) that they are in a coaching interaction; and 2) the expectations of the client and coach.
The logged client coaching hours must meet these requirements:
100 Hours of Whole-Session Coaching
Stand-alone coaching using an awareness-action-learning coaching process that is independent of another client service
- At least 80 of the 100 hours must be paid hours (bartered coaching is considered paid)
- At least 8 clients
- No more than 20 hours where another Coach Approach student is the client
- At least 25 hours must have been logged in the 18 months before submitting a credential application
15 hours of Integrated Coaching
Designated spot coaching that often is tangential to another client service
- At least two clients on the log
- Coaching time should be tracked in fractions of an hour
- Examples
- a pause in a consulting or hand-on session to engage in targeted coaching to resolve client indecision;
- a coaching interlude to align a client’s goals or perspective immediately before an on-site or virtual consulting session;
- a coaching interlude after an on-site or virtual consulting session to identify, explore and capture any resulting client learning or awareness
- brief coaching (typically by phone) with a client at the time of task engagement (aligning, initiating energy, preparedness, perspective) or task completion (client celebration, learning, next steps).
Coaching Proficiency
Record and submit an actual client coaching session, 30-60 minutes long, that demonstrates whole session coaching and ICF core competencies at a minimum Associate Certified Coach level.
Additional Qualifications
Summary of relevant professional organizer or similar professional and life experience. (For a CPC proof may include a CPO® or CPO-CD® credential or business start-up date, summaries of client hours and related time management or productivity training, and life experience.)
PLEASE NOTE: For all up-to-date information, details, and requirements, students seeking any CAT Institute credential should refer to the application for that calendar year.
Are you Ready?
More Helpful Information
Learn more about our programs and overall philosophy by attending one of our bi-monthly webinars - open to all!
Learn more about our program and overall philosophy by attending a bi-monthly webinar. Past topics included: ADHD coaching partnerships, goal-setting for your coaching business, mindfulness for coaches, and more!
View Our ICF Profile
The International Coaching Federation (ICF) accredits coaching education organizations that meet the highest standards.
View Our ICF Profile
The ICF accredits coaching education organizations that meet the high standards. All Coach Approach Training Institute programs meet or exceed these standards.
Contact Us
Should you have any questions or need more information about our courses or programs, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.