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Meet Our Coaches
Cras dictum sit amet mi id varius. Sed mauris eros, fermentum eget risus vel, imperdiet suscipit diam. Sed mollis orci eget magna consectetur viverra.
Unlock Your Coaching Potential with Foundations Training
Embark on your journey to becoming a certified coach with our Foundations Training program, designed to equip you with essential skills and knowledge.
Begin Your Coaching Career
Join Our Community of Coaches
Enroll today to transform your passion into a rewarding coaching career.
Hello. Salut. Hola.
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Class Format
Live, online, 6 weekly live video classes
Time Commitment
6 Weeks, 90-minute weekly classes, plus 5 two-person Skills Building Groups (SBGs) outside of class time; weekly review of an audio coaching demonstration that mirrors the SBG work; light reading and two forum posts.
Class Format
Live, online, 6 weekly live video classes
Class Format
Live, online, 6 weekly live video classes
What to Expect
Foundations Training
Course Overview
Coaching Essentials (CE)
An in-depth introduction to coaching skills, process, and ethics. As the required introduction for the five-course Foundation Training program, Coaching Essentials is designed to stand on its own. For beginners, this course provides essentials for coach training, and for existing organizing and productivity specialists, it offers education to deepen client communications. Those wanting more, or who wish to pursue a credential, move on progressively through the following four courses.
Length of Course
8 Weeks
Frequency Offered
3 times per year
Required Course
Coaching Essentials (CE)
An in-depth introduction to coaching skills, process, and ethics. As the required introduction for the five-course Foundation Training program, Coaching Essentials is designed to stand on its own. For beginners, this course provides essentials for coach training, and for existing organizing and productivity specialists, it offers education to deepen client communications. Those wanting more, or who wish to pursue a credential, move on progressively through the following four courses.
Length of Course
8 Weeks
Frequency Offered
3 times per year
Required Course
Strengths-Based Coaching (SBC)
Length of Course
5 Weeks
Frequency Offered
3 times per year
Required Course
Brain-Based Coaching (BBC)
Length of Course
6 Weeks
Frequency Offered
3 times per year
Required Course
Life & ADHD Coaching (LAC)
Length of Course
6 Weeks
Frequency Offered
3 times per year
Required Course
Coach Integration (CI)
Length of Course
4 Weeks
Frequency Offered
3 times per year
Required Course
A light, accessible way to practice and deepen coaching skills in a very small group with one instructor (completion of the Coaching Essentials class is the only prerequisite for this elective course).
- Coaching Essentials
Length of Course
4 Weeks
Frequency Offered
3 times per year
Required Course
No; elective
Develop the skills to confidently conduct those first conversations with potential clients, ensuring a good fit for both coach and client (completion of the Coaching Essentials and Strengths-Based Coaching classes are a prerequisite for this elective course).
- Coaching Essentials
- Strengths-Bsed Coaching
Length of Course
4 Weeks
Frequency Offered
3 times per year
Required Course
No; elective
Deepen your self-awareness, emotional competence, and overall coaching confidence and presence using Brené Brown’s book Dare to Lead.
- None
Length of Course
4 Weeks
Frequency Offered
3 times per year
Required Course
No; elective
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Monday – Friday
8am CST – 5pm CST